FORTHEM Academy for Early Stage Researchers: Who’s afraid of EU funding? An introduction to EU research funding – How to understand EU calls and prepare a competitive proposal

Online workshop hosted by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
February 19, 2025 – 10:00-12:30 CET

European funding programmes are notoriously diverse. They are politically driven, many follow a top-down approach, and the field is difficult to grasp. But fear not!

This two and a half hour workshop will give you an overview of European funding programmes and their political background. We will focus on the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, but will also look at smaller funding lines to give you a better chance of identifying an appropriate programme for you project idea. You will learn how to read calls for proposals, and will get some basic tips on how to prepare a competitive proposal.



Welcome and introduction to the FORTHEM Academy for Early Stage Researchers

Dr. Nicole Birkle, FORTHEM


Introducing European Funding Opportunities for Research

Julia Doré, JGU Research Services


Understanding call texts

Julia Doré, JGU Research Services

11:15-11:30 Break

Preparing a competitive proposal – some tips

Julia Doré, JGU Research Support

12:00-12:30 QA, Wrap-Up and Evaluation


Registration Workshop FORTHEM Academy for ESR: Who’s afraid of EU funding? An introduction to EU research funding – How to understand EU calls and pre

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