Quality and Quantity : Assessment of Performances in Academia

Online workshop hosted by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
March 25, 2024 – 10:00 – 13:00 CET

Research assessment processes are a fundamental aspect of quality assurance in research and thus must be taken into account when envisaging a career in academia. This workshop of the FORTHEM Academy for Early Stage Researchers will give an overview of the different performance indicators and how to use them to position oneself within the research landscape.



Introduction to FORTHEM Academy for ESR


10:05 The academic career

  • Stages of an academic career
  • Pathways to a doctorate at FORTHEM partner universities (national and institutional regulations and requirements) 
  • Requirements for recruitment
  • What about my CV? (Standards, EUROPASS, Narrative CVs etc.)
11:00 Qualitative and quantitative performance indicators

  • Introduction to RRI
  • H-Index and other bibliometrics
  • What about Peer Review?
  • Open Science, Transfer, Group Performance, technological and societal impact 
11:45 Break
12:00 How and where do I publish?

  • Lost between: High Impact Journals - Open Access and Open Science - discipline-specific requirements - regulations from funders and institutions! 
12:15 International Rankings for universities

  • The specific rankings
  • Relevance of rankings at partner universities 
12:30 Reforming Research Assessment and the CoARA Agreement
12:50 QA, Wrap-Up and Evaluation
13:00 Breakout Room for Networking (45 Min)  


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